Welcome to Long Legged Older Man, a character shrine for the central villain of Shoujo Kakumei Utena. Sure, Empty Movement is a site devoted to the show as a whole, but really, we know who Giovanna is interested in.
I hear you shouting, 'Heavens, why???' Why such a complete and unyielding bastard? He deserves to be thrown to a pack of wolves, not given a shrine. He's an empty shell of a child that couldn't grow up; a boy in a man's body, trapped somewhere in Freud's phallic stage, taken with the idea of his own greatness, confident in his image of himself as a being of hedonistic sexual indulgence that delights in the emotional torment of others. Everything good and redeeming and selfless about him died ages ago, and all that's left is a creature of, if not evil, then pure and unrelenting selfishness. If you won't give him that all that makes him a rather interesting guy, then yes, I'll fall back on the shrine-running fangirl response: HE'S RIDICULOUSLY HOT. He radiates/exudes/oozes every bit as much sex as he thinks he does, and that he's a godless asshole while he does it just adds the ever-appealing taboo of danger.
Love him, like him, or hate him, but remember, you can't truly despise Akio until you realize this: he'd get to you, too.